What Is Fatigue and How and How Can We Correct It?

What is fatigue? Why does the body become tired? What is rest? How does the body miraculously recover during sleep? What’s wrong when it doesn’t recover as it should during sleep? Where does our energy come from? Why do we lose it? Most importantly, how do we regain and retain our natural, God-given Vitality? This blog is meant to help you understand fatigue, rest, relaxation and Vitality.

Fatigue is the number one health complain that health care practitioners hear from their patients. People are more tired than they used to be. Unfortunately, fatigue has become so common that we have accepted it as a necessary evil of modern life. We should not.

In recent decades, to counteract tension, stress, and fatigue, we have attempted to separate our work and leisure. On one side we place work, effort, stress and achievement. On the other we put play, relaxation, leisure and the healthy pleasures of life. We squeeze our work into a 40 – 80 hour work week and try to eke out a little time for relaxation and leisure. Here we have made a great and costly error.

A human being is not a machine
which stops and starts when a switch is flipped. 

The tragic result is that we do not have enough energy to enjoy either our work or our leisure, and we find it difficult to relax during either. We are not as effective at our work as we should be, so we do not as feel fulfilled as we could. When we are at work we wish we were at play. When we are at play we cannot fully enjoy it because we are thinking about our ineffective work.

This dilemma comes from a modern misunderstanding of fatigue, rest and vitality. When natural vitality is foreign to us, we interpret high energy as being “hyper” and the only time we feel completely relaxed is when we are exhausted.

Suppose for a moment, that instead of trying to resolve this problem by separating “work-tension” and “leisure-relaxation,” we deliberately bring the two together. What would happen if we were able to take the stress and tension out of our work and the worry out of our play? What if we could eliminate the fatigue from our work and the collapse from relaxation time? We would then be able to enjoy our work more and accomplish more and relaxation time would truly refresh us.

We can become more effective in our work
and enjoy our relaxation time more
by relearning how to rest and relax
and by increasing our vitality.

Most adults need to relearn the skill of relaxation. We can accomplish that by learning effective relaxation technique and practicing it every day until we are good at it again.

In this part of the course you will learn several techniques that allow you to eliminate fatigue, relearn the habit of staying relaxed throughout the day, regain emotional calm, get more rest from your sleep and regain your natural Vitality. This will be accomplished by improving the health of the Three Systemic Functions of the body. This is why we call it Systemic Rest. Once woven into our daily schedule, these techniques allow us to have more than enough energy for our work and leisure time, yet remain relaxed and calm during both.

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